
Olympus sonority device
Olympus sonority device

olympus sonority device

You can also search your handwritten notes for particular keywords. This information can be digitally uploaded to a computer, where handwritten notes can be converted into digital text. The pen records high-quality audio and links this to the notes that have been made. Livescribe Smartpens digitally save handwritten notes on special, dotted paper, allowing the individual to make as many or as little notes, diagrams or symbols as they choose. There is a range of note-taking support software and hardware to help with dyslexia, all of which are available to purchase on. It can also support with organising and editing notes that have been made. The assistive technology can help eliminate the difficulties that are associated with writing whilst listening. There is a wide range of note-taking support available for those with dyslexia.

Olympus sonority device